Supporter Spotlight – KFC Youth Foundation

Supporter Spotlight – KFC Youth Foundation
Jun 26, 2018

The KFC Youth Confidence Report has shown young people lack the hope and assurance to achieve their goals – but Whitelion and other youth charities are working to change that.

Almost half of young people in Australia say they experience a lack of confidence every day or most days, and only one in five are confident that they will be able to achieve their five year plan.

It is findings like these from the recently released KFC Youth Confidence Report that has led to the development of the KFC Youth Foundation.

The foundation was founded with the purpose of giving young people the skills and support they need to thrive in the world now, and in the years to come.

Whitelion is extremely proud to be one of the five charity partners which offer proven services to help build confidence in young Australians. This is an amazing opportunity for Whitelion to reach more young people than ever before with the support of the foundation.

KFC employs more than 35,000 young people in their restaurants. Through their experiences with them, KFC recognises the importance of addressing the confidence deficit that exists in Australia, highlighted by the report.

Whitelion has worked with KFC for many years and they have made an incredible impact on the young people we work with. We are eager to further our work with KFC as well as the other charity partners Reach, Street Work, Youngcare and ReachOut.

Together, we are confident we’ll support even more young people and make a positive difference in their lives and in the wider community.

Thank you KFC Youth Foundation for choosing us as a charity partner.

To learn more about the findings of the confidence report it can be found here.