Hayley's Story
Jul 12, 2018
From the age of 13 Hayley’s life was characterised by a history of out of home care, parental emotional abuse and family breakdown. She was rejected by her father’s wife, and repeatedly kicked out of home by her mother. For a period of time she lived in a youth refuge, followed by private rental.
She disengaged from school in year nine and was referred to the Box Hill Reconnect program by a youth support service.
Hayley’s Reconnect case manager worked with her to develop a learning support plan. In sessions with her case manager Hayley identified a love of and desire to work with animals. Working towards this goal her case manager supported her to enrol into a Certificate III in Animal Studies, funded through a Box Hill Institute Scholarship.
During this time Hayley began to experience high levels of anxiety related to financial stress and her maternal relationship. Her Centrelink claims had been repeatedly rejected on the basis of her mother’s reports to Centrelink that she could reside at home. This was a counter narrative to that of Hayley’s who felt unsafe in her mother’s house. During this time she was attempting to study, while working two causal jobs. She also moved to a horse agistment homestead, where her board was reduced in lieu of caring for two horses.
Hayley’s Reconnect case manager advocated to Centrelink for her case to be reviewed. The case manager communicated often to the Centrelink social worker about her circumstances, and sourced evidence from the youth refuge who provided accounts of the mother’s negative interactions with Hayley. As a result of this advocacy Hayley’s Centrelink application was reviewed, accepted and she received several months back pay support.
Seven months into the Reconnect program, Reconnect is very proud of Hayley’s achievements. She is financially stable, working part-time at a restaurant and importantly in stable accommodation with two supportive guardians. She is excited about focusing on her studies and aims to complete VCE to achieve her goal of becoming a Vet.
As Hayley has been out of school for over a year, the reconnect case manager assisted her to enrol into the REAL1 program at Box Hill Institute for her to complete a certificate II in General Education for Adults, in order to prepare her for her VCE studies.
Reconnect worked with a secondary schools to enrol Hayley in VCE. The reconnect case manager contacted several schools around Hayley’s area and attended interviews with her. Reconnect case manager liaised with one high school that Hayley was particular interested in attended and was able to have her fees reduced by $6550 each for year 11 and year 12, the reconnect case manager applied for CEEP funding through Uniting Care Harrisons of $1200 towards her remaining school fees. She has now started her year 11 VCE in 2018.
Some days are still difficult for her but those days are slowly getting less and, with clear goals, a strong support network and housing and financial security, Hayley’s future is looking bright.