Supporter Spotlight - UnLtd
Dec 13, 2018
Every young Australian should have unlimited opportunities.
UnLtd believe every young person has something to offer and that their possibilities should be unlimited. UnLtd believe the media, marketing and creative industry and its people have the potential to use their financial and cultural influence to create significant positive social change. They also believe if we work together we can ensure that every young future, is a bright future.
UnLtd are currently one of Whitelion’s biggest and newest corporate partners that came on board with our Organisation in May 2016 to focus on working with Whitelion to support its programs and events in New South Wales. The following year they fully embraced our signature event “Bail Out” in NSW at YASMAR, locking up 13 senior Adland figures who raised a total of $27,000. It was after this that we were asked to be part of a Marketing Academy Bootcamp and a charity planning session where our social enterprise was chosen as a case study.
UnLtd’s team have been handpicked for their experience & skills in creating, managing & successfully navigating the complexities of these types of programmes. Unusually this means instead of coming from charity backgrounds, their team are largely drawn from the industry they are seeking support from – the marketing, media & creative industries. Married with their passion to make a difference, this puts us in a unique position to connect with the industry we are seeking support from.
UnLtd’s charity Partners are small but impactful organisations that do incredible work helping children and young people at risk. UnLtd work with charities who are still grassroots but with a vision and potential to grow. They unlock the power of marketing so the charities can grow and concentrate their efforts to doing what they do best – changing lives.
This year UnLtd have raised an amazing $200,000 through diverse and creative initiatives to support Whitelion by putting together events that bring the industry together to raise funds. We were involved in their Big Clash Cricket in both Sydney and Melbourne, NGEN Dodgeball Charity Cup. Not only this, UnLtd were the first Organisation to create their own Bail Out event in NSW, locking up 70 senior Adland figures to raise much needed awareness and funds for the organisation raising a further $140,000. Shortly after UnLtd launched their Melbourne Board, they also locked up 6 senior Adland figures at the Old Melbourne Gaol as part of Victoria’s Bail Out, raising $17,000.
On November 15th UnLtd hosted their very first Big Dream, a magical evening a world away from the traditional gala dinner which was an opportunity for Whitelion and other charities to showcase their work and the positive social impact their industry has generated whilst raising funds for the UnLtd charity grants program. The evening was a big success raising over $370,000 to support children and young people at risk.
UnLtd are now working with us in a strategic partnership to provide awareness for Whitelion aiming to help disadvantaged at risk young people for the greater good with a particular focus in the homelessness space.
UnLtd was founded by Kerry McCabe in 2007 so that every young Australian would have unlimited possibilities. Kerry saw the immense potential that the media, marketing and creative industry holds and wanted to harness that power for good. Since then, UnLtd has grown into a major social purpose organisation that connects impactful charities helping children and young people at risk with the skills, resources and funds of the media, marketing and creative industry.
Since 2007 UnLtd have generated a social impact value of $45,000,000 and are now working with 100+ media, marketing and creative companies supporting UnLtd charity partners helping young people at risk.
Whitelion have been working with UnLtd and its team for an number of years now and admire their passion and continuous support which has had an overwhelming impact on the young people we work with. Whitelion is extremely proud to be one of the charities that UnLtd are proud to support and are really keen to continue our work with UnLtd into the future.
Together, we are confident we’ll support even more young people and make a positive difference in their lives and in the wider community.
Thank you UnLtd for choosing us as a charity partner.
To learn more about what UnLtd are doing to support Whitelion and other like-minded charities visit here.